See the science behind love making

Oxytocin (Oxt/ˌɒksɪˈtoÊŠsɪn//ˌɒksi-/) is a peptide hormone and neuropeptide. Oxytocin is normally produced by the paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus and released by the posterior pituitary. It plays a role in social bonding, sexual reproduction in both sexes, and during and after childbirth. Oxytocin is released into the bloodstream as a hormone in response to stretching of the cervix and uterus during labor and with stimulation of the nipples from breastfeeding. This helps with birth, bonding with the baby, and milk production.Oxytocin was discovered by Henry Dale in 1906. Its molecular structure was discovered in 1952. Oxytocin is also used as a medication to facilitate childbirth

Reasons Why Most Bloggers Fail

We all know the internet is now full of blogs with so many bloggers trying to dominate the blogosphere, expecting luck to smile on them soon so that they too will become popular soon. It is very funny that the majority of these bloggers don’t even become what we can call a success and eventually abandon their blogs in a matter of months.
Below are 7 reasons why bloggers fail.
1.      Lack of Passion: Lack of passion is one of the major reasons why most bloggers fail online, they don’t have any passion for blogging, and they just began blogging because they saw a particular “popular blogger” make six figures blogging. They only went into blogging because of the money. Passion is a key element to successful blogging so you have to make sure you are blogging about your passion. Your passion must not be too insane rather; I mean not what others don’t like. If you blog about what no other person loves then there is no how you can get people to your blog. You have to look for what is closer to your passion and develop a strong affection towards it, in this form it will become part of you soon. It is also very important to blog about your passion so that you will not quit blogging soon.
2.      Lack of Creativity: As bloggers, we must be able to be creative and come up with new ideas on our own. Great and successful bloggers don’t just follow the norm, they all have their own ideas, they are creative in one form or the other which is what leads to their success. Many bloggers try to build traffic to their blog using only strategies like blog commenting, social bookmarking e.t.c. Not that all these things don’t work anymore, they work quite effectively but are already saturated so in order to achieve success more easily you have to come up with something different.
3.      Greed to earn: Many new bloggers only start blogging with the intention to earn which is why they quit after not earning enough within a short period of time. Your main intention for blogging should not just be to earn or make money from your blog but rather to impact lives, establish yourself as an authority and some other valuable things. You shouldn’t just expect to eat without working; your blog is not just a platform to make you eat while being lazy. Get off yourself that old mentality: “make money doing nothing”. I don’t think it is possible to make money doing nothing, try to give value, build your trust, gain credibility for yourself and you will reap the rewards.
4.      Lack of Goal: So many bloggers fail to realize the importance of having goals. A goal is a plan of what you hope to achieve within a specific period of time. You might want to have 1000 daily unique visitors, but when? You have to have a time-frame for goal and you should try as much as possible not to limit yourself with your goal. You should also realize that faith without work is nothing so while setting yourself goals; try to work towards achieving your goal.
5.      Lack of personality: You should not fail to realize the importance of personality in your blog; try to be as personal as possible. Blogs are not a medium for scamming, blogs are used to build your credibility and establish yourself. If you think you can just setup a blog with the intention of scamming people, then you are deceiving yourself. Use your real name, add a picture of yourself, don’t use another persons writing style. Be yourself and yourself only. It is also very important to have an about page which will tell your readers more about you. “You cannot be me and I cannot be you, Try to be yourself.”
6.      Ignoring SEO: Oh! You want to build that great empire? But you have forgotten that it is only little drops of rain that fills the bucket. You hate Google, you hate Yahoo and you hate all those search engines, you just don’t like them. You are human, so why should you be working for robots. You are not deceiving me, but are only deceiving yourself. Try to learn SEO and use it to your benefit, you will love yourself for it. Another great secret is that search engine traffic is one of the best type of traffic you can ever have because those who come through search engines are very desperate for information and are ready to stay if you give them what they want.
7.      Lack of concentration: Many bloggers fail to concentrate on one blog, they move to another one without having success with the first one. Stop building “hundreds” of blogs, focus on one. If you have established your first blog, you can then move to another one. It takes a lot to build a successful blog and concentrating your attention on too many blogs at a time won’t do you any good.
You now see why so many bloggers fail, learn from the above points and try to avoid them as much as possible and I bet you will be successful in “no time”

6 Ways Hackers Can Monetize Your Life

What is the most valuable thing to a hacker?
Most people would probably assume it’s a credit card number. But actually, stolen credit card numbers pale in comparison to the black market value of another type of personal information we all have. (To see the answer, skip down to #1 in the bulletpoints below.)
As more people are targeted by hackers, and a growing number of large-scale corporate and government data breaches expose people’s private data to criminals around the world, it’s important for everyone to understand the full scope of the risks we face.
After all, for many people, as long as they don’t lose money from their bank account or get phony charges on their credit card, they could care less about getting hacked. A hijacked email account, a new card from the bank, a legally mandated corporate data breach notification in the mail - these are all just minor annoyances for the average person. You shrug it off, and move on.
But what actually happens when cybercriminals break into your online accounts, hack your devices or access your personal data? Even if you don’t notice any immediate financial loss, does that really mean you’re off the hook?
Cybercrime is a multi-billion dollar economy with sophisticated actors and a division of labor that includes malware authors, toolkit developers, hacking crews, forum operators, support services and “mules.” There are countless sites in the dark web that offer ways for hackers to buy or sell stolen accounts, hacking tools and other criminal services.
Stolen credit card numbers aren’t the only way hackers make money off of our lives. The cybercrime industry is nothing if not innovative and imaginative when it comes to finding ways to turn our personal information into cash.
Just because you haven’t seen an immediate and direct consequence from a corporate data breach or reported software vulnerability, it doesn’t mean your life isn’t being traded online.
Here are six ways hackers monetize your life online:
Medical Identity:
What’s the most valuable data you have? Forget about stolen credit card numbers. While these will always be a key commodity for hackers, they’re not nearly as valuable as your personal health data.
Current estimates peg the black market value of these credentials at well over 10 times the price of stolen card numbers. Why? Because card numbers are easy to change - Social Security numbers, health insurance accounts, Medicare account numbers, these aren’t so easy to replace.
There are a variety of online exchanges in the dark web where cybercriminals can buy, sell and trade this type of information, which is a gold mine for identity theft and insurance fraud. And since healthcare companies have one of the worst cybersecurity records of any industry, consumers should expect more data breaches in the future that will expose their information.
Email & Social Media:
While stolen health credentials and credit card numbers are clearly linked to fraud, other targets of cybercriminals are less obvious.
After all, why would a criminal want to buy access to your hacked Twitter account? What’s in it for them?
While email and social media certainly aren’t the most valuable commodities on the dark web, they still have money-making potential for scammers.
A cybercriminal can use a hacked email or social media account to distribute spam, run scams against the person’s contacts and connections, and try to leverage the stolen account to break into other online accounts used by the same person.
Perhaps equally surprising is the idea that hackers could hijack your Uber account.
However, it’s important to remember that any online account which is linked to a payment method - be it credit card, checking account or PayPal - is a worthwhile target for a hacker. By hijacking your Uber account, most likely through a phishing email, they can set up fake drivers and bill you for “ghost rides.”
Airline Miles:
It probably wouldn’t occur to most people that their frequent flyer miles can be hacked. But believe it or not, they can. All a hacker has to do is get access to your frequent flyer account, and they can steal your airline miles, sell them to other criminals or put the whole account up for sale.
The camera staring you in the face every time you use your computer can be a fun bounty for criminal hackers.
All they have to do is infect your computer with a remote administration tool (RAT), and they will be able to remotely control and access your webcam.
Known as “ratters,” there are a lot of communities and forums on the dark web where these individuals share information, videos and photos of their webcam “slaves,” sell or trade them to other hackers, and rent access. One BBC report claimed hackers get $1 per hacked webcam for female victims, and $0.01 for men.
While in many cases, hacked webcams are done purely for the “lulz,” they can also be used for extortion, harassment and intimidation.
There’s another way hackers can monetize access to your computer, and it’s similar to the use of webcam RATs - but even more dangerous.
Botnets“ are a collection of infected computers which are remotely controlled by a hacker.
When infected with botnet malware, a cybercriminal is able to capture as much of your sensitive data as he wants - including your personal information, passwords and financial credentials. They can also use the remote connection to sneak in other types of malware such as “ransomware” or “banking Trojans,” which your computer will have a harder time detecting. Additionally, they can force your computer to participate in criminal schemes like distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks on business or government websites, and distributing spam and malware to other users.
A hacker can make money from botnets in several ways, including financial fraud, extortion and by selling access to your computer to other hackers. “Rent-a-bot“ services are increasingly popular on the dark web, and can net hackers a pretty penny.

Home Remedies to Increase Sperm Count

Inadequate sperm production and quality is one of the most common reasons for male infertility as it decreases the odds of one of the sperms fertilizing the egg for conception.
According to the World Health Organization, the normal concentration of sperm is at least 20 million per ml of semen. Fewer than 15 million sperm per ml is considered a low sperm count, also called oligozoospermia. Conception problems are associated with fewer than 40 million moving sperm in the ejaculate.
Oligoospermia can happen due to a wide variety of reasons and contributing factors like hormonal abnormalities, infected semen, infection in the prostate gland, varicoceles (enlargement of veins within the scrotum), damaged sperm ducts, use of anabolic steroids, cigarette smoking, alcohol abuse, drug abuse, toxic chemicals, certain medications, heavy metal exposure and radiation. Even vaginal lubricants tend to be toxic to sperm.
Recent studies indicate that heating of the testicles due to electromagnetic frequencies (EMFs) may also contribute to low sperm count. Thus, habits like keeping a laptop on your lap and a cell phone in your pants pocket are often discouraged.
Various natural remedies and other tips can help increase your sperm count and also improve sperm quality.
Here are the top 10 home remedies to increase sperm count.

1. Maca Root

Maca root of the black variety can help improve sperm production and motility. It is a popular fertility herb that helps balance the hormones.
Take 1 to 3 teaspoons of maca root in 2 divided doses for a few months daily. You can add it to a glass of water, a healthy smoothie or protein shake, or just sprinkle it on cereal. As maca root is high in fiber, start by taking ½ teaspoon and gradually increase the dosage over a few weeks.

2. Ashwagandha

A 2013 pilot study by Indian researchers, published in Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, found that ashwagandha root extract can significantly increase sperm count, semen volume and sperm motility. The study participants were given 675 mg of ashwagandha root extract in 3 divided doses, daily for 90 days.
Plus, this herb promotes healthy testosterone production. It also improves your overall health, increases vitality and reduces stress and anxiety.
  • Mix ½ teaspoon of ashwagandha powder, also known as Indian ginseng, in a glass of warm milk. Drink it twice daily for a few months.
  • Another option is to take ashwagandha root extract. Consult your doctor for proper dosage.

3. Panax Ginseng

Panax ginseng, also known as Korean ginseng, is commonly used in traditional Chinese medicine to help the body adapt to stress. It also can be used to increase testosterone, and sperm count and motility to enhance male fertility. Panax ginseng can help improve erectile performance as well.
Take 1 to 3 capsules of 500 mg Panax ginseng daily for at least 3 months. Consult your doctor before starting this or any other supplement regimen.

4. Garlic

Garlic acts as a natural aphrodisiac and increases sperm production. It contains a compound called allicin, which boosts the endurance of the sperm and also improves blood circulation. Plus, the mineral selenium in garlic helps improve sperm motility.
Simply include 1 or 2 crushed garlic cloves in your daily diet.

5. Tribulus

Tribulus terrestris, also known as gokshura, is an Ayurvedic remedy to increase sperm count and improve sperm quality as it can enhance hormone levels. A 2012 study by Indian researchers also found this aphrodisiac herb to be helpful in treating oligozoospermia (low sperm count).
Take 1 to 3 capsules of 500 mg Tribulus terrestris daily for a few months, but only after consulting your doctor.

6. Moderate Exercise

Studies have found that moderate exercise can help boost healthy sperm production. In fact, a 2013 study published online in the British Journal of Sports Medicine indicates that the increase in sedentary lifestyle among young men has lead to a decline in the overall quality of semen.
The study found that young men who lived a sedentary lifestyle and watched more than 20 hours of television a week had a 50% lower sperm count compared to those who did not watch much TV.
On the other hand, those who engaged in at least 15 hours of moderate exercise a week had better sperm quality and 73% higher sperm count than those who engaged in little or no exercise.
To increase your sperm count, do some type of physical exercise for at least 1 hour a day on a regular basis. Outdoor physical activities (except cycling) as well as weight training are also beneficial.
Note: Avoid overexertion as it can lead to a decrease in sperm count. Cycling, too, is not recommended as it can place pressure against the scrotum and increase scrotum temperature.

7. Damiana

Damiana is another useful herb for low sperm count. It also calms the nerves, relieves anxiety and mental exhaustion, and acts as a muscle relaxant.
  • Steep ¼ teaspoon of dried damiana leaves in a cup of boiling water for 5 to 10 minutes. Strain the solution and sweeten with a little honey. Drink it up to 3 times a day for a few months.
  • You can also take this herb in supplement form after consulting your doctor.

8. Saw Palmetto

saw palmetto
Saw palmetto, commonly used for prostate health, is another useful herb to increase sperm count. It is also good for treating erectile dysfunction.
Take 160 mg of saw palmetto extract twice daily for a few months, after consulting your doctor. The supplement should be standardized to contain 85 to 95% fatty acids and sterols

9. Horny Goat Weed

horny goat weed-opt
Horny goat weed is a time-tested aphrodisiac commonly used in traditional Chinese medicine. It helps increase sperm production and treat erectile dysfunction. Horny goat weed supplements, however, have not been tested for safety as yet.
Take 250 to 500 mg of horny goat weed supplement daily for a few months, after consulting your doctor.

10. Green Tea

green tea
Research suggests that the high antioxidants in green tea have good fertility-boosting potential as they neutralize free radicals that can damage sperm cells.
According to a 2012 study published in the journal Molecular Nutrition and Food Research, low doses of a compound called epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) present in green tea can improve sperm quality, including motility, thus improving its potential for fertilization. However, higher concentrations of EGCG can have an opposite effect. Thus, further studies are still required.
Drink 1 or 2 cups of green tea daily to enjoy enhanced fertility as well as overall health.
Additional Tips
  • Go organic in terms of food as well as other products, such as deodorants and other cosmetics, to avoid toxic chemicals.
  • Eat foods rich in vitamin C, zinc, selenium, folic acid and omega-3 fatty acids, such as pumpkin seeds, walnuts, Brazil nuts, sesame seeds, flaxseeds, chia seeds, spinach, eggs, lentils, beans, broccoli, tomatoes and oranges. You can also take nutritional supplements after consulting your doctor.
  • Avoid the use of plastic bottles, containers and other items made of plastic to reduce xenoestrogen (environmental estrogen) exposure.
  • Do not wear tight briefs or boxers.
  • Steer clear of hot baths and saunas to avoid heating the testicles, which is detrimental to normal sperm production.
  • Manage stress as it can interfere with the hormones that help produce sperms.
  • Keep your weight in check.
  • Get proper sleep.

10 Reasons Why You Feel Hungry All the Time

unger is the worst enemy of any dieter or health-conscious person.
Healthy hunger is a signal that your body needs some kind of fuel to function properly. Here, fuel means food. If you’ve missed a meal, then being hungry is normal.
But if you’ve eaten a meal and you feel too hungry before your next meal, do not make the mistake of taking this problem lightly. Feeling hungry all the time is not a good sign.
A variety of medical reasons can be behind your unnecessary hunger pangs. In such cases, you need to take care of it as soon as possible to prevent more serious health consequences.
Here are the top 10 reasons why you feel hungry all the time.

1. Poor Sleep

Restless sleepers and those who have difficulty getting 7 to 8 hours of sleep daily can feel hungry all the time.
In a 2016 study published in Sleep, researchers explained that the increase in circulating endocannabinoid levels could be a mechanism by which recurrent sleep restriction results in excessive food intake, particularly in the form of snacks, despite minimal increases in energy need.
Along with feeling hungry, other symptoms of sleep deprivation include a change in mood, clumsiness, not staying alert, increase in accidents, trouble staying awake during the day and weight gain, to name a few.
Aim for 7 to 8 hours of sleep a night. By doing so, you’ll get your energy level and hunger hormones back on track.

2. Excess Stress

During fight or flight mode, the body’s stress hormone cortisol rises. This hormone convinces your body to eat. In fact, cortisol makes you crave sugar and high-fat foods.
Eating more during stress does not reduce negative emotions or anxieties, but rather it triggers the need to eat more and leads to weight gain and more health issues.

A 2001 study published in Psychoneuroendocrinology reports that a psycho-physiological response to stress may influence subsequent eating behavior. Over time, these alterations could impact both weight and health.
A 2008 study by the UT Southwestern Medical Center reports that some people who are stressed or depressed overeat as the hunger hormone ghrelin rises in their bodies.
Other symptoms related to stress include anger, fatigue, headaches, sleep problems, upset stomach and lots more.
To combat stress, exercise and meditate. Even listening to music can help control your stress level.

3. Thyroid Issues

Excessive hunger is also associated with hyperthyroidism, a common disease affecting the thyroid. If your thyroid is overactive, it means you are suffering from hyperthyroidism.
When thyroid hormone levels are too high, the body’s vital functions speed up and you burn energy faster than intended. As your body speeds up metabolically, it increases hunger as a result.
When suffering from hyperthyroidism, you don’t gain weight even after eating too much. Instead, you lose weight since you burn calories at a much faster rate.
Besides a change in appetite and an enlarged thyroid gland, other signs of hyperthyroidism include a fast pulse rate, bulging eyes, feeling nervous, excessive sweating, muscle weakness and feeling thirsty even after drinking water.

4. Low Blood Sugar

Low blood sugar, or hypoglycemia, means the glucose in your body has dropped to a very low level. Low blood sugar can make you hungry.
The brain needs energy in order to function and glucose is accepted by the brain as fuel. So when the sugar in your bloodstream goes down, so does your brainpower. The brain then starts giving signals that your body needs fuel, hence you start feeling hungry.
For people suffering from low blood sugar, a new term “hangry” is used, which means the state of being hungry is making you angry.
In a 2014 study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, researchers found that married couples get increasingly angry and mean toward one another when their blood sugar levels are low.
Apart from hunger, other symptoms of low blood sugar include anxiety, pale skin, sweating, tingling around the mouth and a general feeling of being unwell.
Low blood sugar is a common concern for people with diabetes, but people with other health issues like hepatitis, kidney disorders, and problems with the adrenal or pituitary glands can also experience this problem.

5. Diabetes

Both Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes can cause frequent hunger pangs.
In normal circumstances, the body turns the sugar in food into fuel called glucose. But if you have diabetes, the sugar from the food you eat may not enter your tissues to provide energy. This can cause your muscles and other tissues to make you crave more food.
In addition to a spike in your appetite, other symptoms of diabetes include extreme thirst, frequent urination, unexplained weight loss, blurry vision, cuts and bruises that take a long time to heal, a tingling sensation in the hands or feet, and constant fatigue.
Whether you have Type 1 or Type 2 diabetes, it is important to keep your blood sugar level under control or it will negatively affect different body organs.

6. Parasite Infestation

At times, excessive hunger even after eating a meal on time can be a telltale sign of a worm infestation in the intestines.
Worms, especially those like tapeworms or pinworms, can live for a long period of time without you having any knowledge about it. Worms rob the body of all essential nutrients, thus making you hungry more often than usual.
Due to a parasite infestation, one may have strong hunger pangs especially during the early morning and may also never feel satisfied or full after eating a meal.
If you are feeling hungry more often combined with weight loss, then it’s time to see your doctor.

10 Daily Habits that Harm Your Immune System

The immune system is your body’s number one defense mechanism. In fact, your immune system and your health are directly related. The stronger your immune system is, the more protection you will have against colds, viruses and other illnesses that could attack your body. 

 On the other hand, a weak immunity can make you more vulnerable to frequent colds, sinus infections, recurring infections and slow wound healing, as well as causing anemia, fatigue and lethargy.

This is why health experts strongly advise making choices that promote a strong immune system.
Your diet and regular exercise play a key role in how well your immune system functions. But you may be surprised to learn that many common daily habits actually harm your immune system.
In fact, most of your daily habits directly impact your immune system, especially as you age. To keep your immune system strong, it’s important to adopt healthy habits and quit the bad ones.
Here are the 10 daily habits that harm your immune system.

1. Being a Night Owl

If you work nights or like watching television or doing projects late into the night, you may have a weak immunity.
Poor sleep habits lower the immune system’s functioning and reduce your level of killer cells that fight germs.
Sleep deprivation also reduces the production of protective cytokines. While you sleep, your immune system releases different types of cytokines that help protect your body against infections and diseases.
In a 2017 study published in Sleep, researchers took blood samples from 11 pairs of identical twins with different sleep patterns and found that the twin with shorter sleep duration had a depressed immune system compared with his or her sibling.

2. Neglecting Personal Hygiene

When it comes to a good immune system, proper hygiene is a must. If you neglect your personal hygiene, your immune system will surely suffer.
Unhygienic habits increase the risk of being exposed to harmful germs, which in turn makes you susceptible to more infections and diseases.
Practice good hygiene by brushing your teeth twice daily, washing your hands before eating and after using the bathroom, keeping your nails clean, taking a shower daily, cooking food in a hygienic manner, wearing clean clothes and more. It can go a long way in boosting your immunity.
Avoid using other people’s belongings, as germs and viruses can be transmitted by sharing things that are for personal use only.

3. Using Public Objects

You may try your best to keep your home clean and hygienic. But what happens when you go out?
Some of the dirtiest public places and items are restaurant menus, condiment dispensers, restroom door handles, soap dispensers, grocery carts, communal pens like at the bank, airplane bathrooms and so on. They can all be intermediaries, transmitting viruses and bacteria from person to person.
Avoid touching public objects to cut your risk of picking up easily spread cold and flu germs. Carry your own pen, paper, tissue papers, water bottle and other important things when you go out.
Also, disinfect your hands when you leave a public space.

4. Overdosing on Sugar

If you often eat or drink something sweet to satisfy your sweet tooth, you can suffer from a weak immunity.
Refined sugar can reduce the ability of the white blood cells to kill germs. Sugar prevents vitamin C from getting into the white blood cells, resulting in weakened immunity.
Interestingly, the immune-suppressing effect of sugar starts within 30 minutes after ingestion and may last for hours.
If you need to eat something sweet, opt for fruits like oranges, apples, mangos, kiwis, watermelon, strawberries and others that contain natural sugars to satisfy your craving. The vitamin C in these fruits also will help your immune system work properly.

5. Forgetting to Drink Water

When you are busy working, you may be like many people who forget to drink water.
The human body is mostly made of water, and if you don’t drink enough to replenish what your body needs, it will surely affect your immune system. Proper hydration is essential for a strong immunity.
In a 2013 animal study published in Frontiers in Zoology, researchers concluded that depending on the life history of an organism, osmotic state may have a greater influence on immune function than energy availability.
A healthy person should drink about 8 to 10 glasses of water daily. However, the amount of water you need to drink may depend upon the climate in which you live, how physically active you are, and your overall health.

6. Drinking Alcoholic Beverages Daily

If you like to have a few drinks at the end of each day, it’s a habit that is harming your immune system.Drinking too much alcohol actually weakens or kills some of the antibody cells needed to destroy virus-infected cells. Excess alcohol consumption also impedes the production of white and red blood cells, which weakens your immune system over time.
Alcoholic drinks have a lot of negative health effects, since alcohol inhibits your body’s ability to absorb essential nutrients, which can lead to deficiencies.
In a 2015 study published in Alcohol Research: Current Reviews, researchers found that alcohol disrupts immune pathways in complex and seemingly paradoxical ways. These disruptions can impair the body’s ability to defend against infection, contribute to organ damage associated with alcohol consumption, and impede recovery from a tissue injury.
If you need to drink, do it in moderation and keep track of the number of drinks consumed.

10 Of The World’s Oldest Mom That Gave Birth After Age 65

Child birth is a practice that works majorly with time. For a man, life may begin at age forty (40) but for a woman who is yet to carry her own child, that may be the deadline to her trust to experience get pregnant, talkless of talking about child birth. What is new?
In my previous article, i talked about the “top 10 movies that truly reminded us Paul walker” and today, we shall be buttress the point of child birth. Some women are not able to get pregnant once they are over forty years of age, and this has been  a deep disturbing factor for the ageing ones especially the ones not yet married. We have heard about women pulling through this barrier but not able to see it becomes a criteria for unbelief.
Let me shut you up a little, it happens. And today we are stressing on the 10 world’s oldest mom that gave birth after age 65.

10. Rajo Devi Lhan

When Rajo Devi Lhan made the headlines all around the world by eventually the first woman or will i call her the world oldest first timer mother, alot of persons(Including health experts) said she was actually putting her health on a higher risk.
In a recent report, she gave birth following an Invitro Fertilization. Lets not bore you with more details about how it
took place but she is in the game.

9. Daljinder Kaur

aljunder became entered the shoes of the world’s oldest mothers after she gave birth to a baby boy in india in 2016.
In a report, the her spouse and herself have been married for the past 46 years. They were unable to conceive naturally during that time

10 Types Of Women You Should Not Dare To Marry

Alot of marriages dry up into thin air and this is mostly caused as a result of wrong choices of spouse. Though our focus is majorly not targeted at the 10 types of men you should never marry but it is aimed at ” the 10 types of women you should never marry.” Marriage is for a life time, even though divorce is seen to be a little bit dominant. We still can not deny the idea that it is for better and for worse.

10. Bitter Woman

Bitter Woman (Angry)
Bitterness in any relationship is the benchmark for conflict. A woman who is always bitter hardly make a good wive,you can recall that alot of homes have been destroyed by this singular trait seen in women. Bitterness could result to verbal abuses and this sometimes leads to domestic violence.
A man may really not need to settle down with a bitter woman, in order to give decorum to his ideal home.

9. Greedy Woman

Relationships grows bigger and stronger when couples comfortably share their resources between themselves.Selfishness is the biggest issue of any bond, a woman who is not willing to share hardly will make up a good home, this is because all she thinks about is herself (Self Centred). She must be able to share ideas and put the relationship first before herself. Always remember that a woman who is determined to make sure she always comes first would not be able to build a cheerful and loving home with you.

8. Materialistic Woman (Gold Diggers)

It is heart breaking to find out that you were married because of financial gain. It drills pain and emotional distress. Although, these days, not every can actually explain the love triangle anymore, as even women who loves your money will pretend to show true love to you so you don’t suspect their selfish drive.
The love for material things is no new thing. Choose a woman who won’t  fall in love with your wealth.Though it is quite difficult, but you gotta try it.

7. The Flirty Woman

Infidelity has been the rising cause of divorce. No responsible man ever plans to settle for a divorce but you can’t predict the future of your marriage if you are settling with a flirty woman.A cheating woman is a pain in the as*. This is because they continue to disrespect the matrimonial bed and this is not good for the health of the marriage.
Being faithful to your partner is one of the necessary action to be in character. Remember, the health of your marriage lies on how faithful,understanding both of you are.

6. Party Addict

I’m not saying it is not ok to party, but let us be aware that too much of everything is bad. You don’t give so much priority to nights out and parties and frustrate your lonely husband. If she’s a party freak, then do not have a second thoughts of marrying her because she will always mix up with like minded friends. From parties, it could lead to a flirty woman.
Statistics have shown that women who party alot tend to fall into smoking and drinking addiction. You would not love your kids to be trained by a smoking and drunken wife.